The Ministry of Health lifts all health requirements and controls to enter the Sudan

The Federal Ministry of Health has lifted all health requirements and controls for entry into the Sudan.

In a letter addressed by the Under-Secretary of the Ministry of Health to the Director-General of Civil Aviation, the Ministry said: “Reference to the above subject and in view of the epidemiological situation in the Sudan and the world, submits to you the recommendations of the Technical Committee to respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, which are as follows:

  1. To lift all current restrictions and requirements on entry points declared by States as health requirements for entry into the country.
  2. Maintain the health control at the entry points provided for by the International Health Regulations for the inspection and conduct of suspected cases.
  3. To monitor the global epidemiological situation, follow up on the emergence of mutations and take action as necessary.
    Hence, we kindly request that you know, do what is necessary and circulate to the relevant parties.

In turn, the Civil Aviation Authority addressed the relevant authorities under the Ministry of Health’s directive.

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