Negotiations on the formation of the Iraqi Government at the end line… And fears of an “anonymous path “

Kurdish sources revealed that the coordinating framework delegation that visited Erbil failed to persuade PDK President Masood Barzani to agree on the candidate for president, but the latter “promised to settle the file before Thursday.”

The Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Halbusi, announced that the agenda for Thursday’s meeting included the paragraph on the election of the President of the Republic.
Iraqi politicians predicted that the failure to reach a Kurdish agreement would turn the session into a “deliberation”, while a Kurdish source confirmed that “Kurdistan Democrat” deputies would break the quorum if the “framework” agreed to pass his candidate.

A negotiating source quoted Barzani as “threatening to withdraw from the Iraqi Parliament and not participate in the new Government, should Saleh pass the election session of the President of the Republic”.

According to a source close to the tripartite delegation, which included the Speaker of Parliament, Mohamed Halbusi, the Head of the Hashd Falih al-Fayyad and the candidate of the coordinating framework, Mohamed al-Sudan, they “demanded” Barzani to resolve the dispute quickly, “otherwise political blocs would vote in favour of the candidate of the National Union, whatever his name may be”.

Negotiations on the formation of the Government between the Framework Forces and the Sunni Forces are expected to be disrupted, and Parliament is therefore stalling in its anticipated session, as the agreement between the two main Kurdish parties “remains elusive”, according to a senior UNITA leader.

The leader, who asked not to be named, said that “the Union will not renege on Barham Saleh’s candidacy” and explained that it is “the only option for the party.”
However, a political source in Baghdad confirmed that the chairman of the Kurdistan Democratic Party had “promised to resolve the file in Kurdish before Thursday”, but that concern was still hanging over the party offices in Baghdad, so the Speaker put pressure on Erbil to announce the date of the session.

This atmosphere puts enormous pressure on the coordination framework, which is struggling to pass his Government in the absence of the chest, while now facing the risk of the Democratic Party’s withdrawal.

Local media platforms leaked information on “attempts by hardline parties within the coordination framework to go to Parliament without a Parzani party, as with Sadr, and proceed with the Union candidate”, but this scenario is met with objections from Shia leaders such as Haider al-Abadi and Hadi al-Amiri, along with UNITA itself.

It is unlikely that the President of the Kurdistan National Union, Pavel Talabani, will “venture into a Government in which the Democratic Party does not participate, for reasons of sensitivity to the internal situation in the Kurdistan region.

The coming hours are supposed to witness intense activity and arduous negotiations before the session, while everyone fears that the agreement will fail, leading major party actors to expect an “unknown path” to the essentially stalled political process.

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