New York Times: A new attack by Al Dagalo on the commander of the Sudanese army

A recent report by The New York Times published a new update by the second commander of the Sudan Rapid Support Forces (RSF), Abdirahim Hamdan Dagalo, the brother of its commander, Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo “Hemeti”, in which he attacked army chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan.

RSF Deputy Commander Abdel Rahim Hamdan Dagalo said that Army Chief Abdel Fattah al-Burhan surrounded the General Command with a Cement Wall to protect himself, while he did not care if the rest of the country was burning.

According to a recent New York Times report, as the Sudanese military’s handover of power to civilians was approaching, concern was growing. He drew attention to the construction of a concrete wall surrounding the army’s leadership in central Khartoum to symbolize the perilous divisions in a fractured country.

“Al-Burhan has built the wall to protect himself,” Abd al-Rahim Daglou-brother of RSF commander Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo “Hemeti” told The New York Times. “Provan doesn’t care what happens outside the wall, he doesn’t care if the rest of the country is burning.”

“All we think about is protecting civilians,” Dagalo said one afternoon in his villa in Khartoum, while sitting on a sofa with gilded edges and eating from a small amount of honey.

The New York Times went on to say that the fall of al-Bashir had fulfilled delightful hopes for a new Sudan, but the revolution was derailed 18 months ago, when Sudan’s most powerful generals joined forces to seize power in the 25 October coup d ‘état.

Since then, the country has retreated and street protests have continued and the economy has collapsed, with the two generals attempting to impose their power but now fighting between them, while foreign powers led by the United Nations and the United States persuaded the two generals to hand over power to civilians – at least on paper – by April 11 the fourth anniversary of Bashir’s ouster.

Mounting anxiety
As talks continue in recent days, tensions between the two rival camps within the military wing have escalated, the report says. Now no one is sure whether the two generals will return the country to democracy or to combat, the presence of two leaders is rarely a good idea.

Concerned residents are examining social media for videos and other evidence to measure the degree of tension between the two generals, which a foreign official described to The New York Times as “a loveless marriage where they hate each other”.

Soldiers are deployed throughout the city, while reports of late-night troop movements have raised fears that spraying could turn into gunfire.

The coup d ‘état cost the Sudan a heavy price and deprived it of billions of dollars in foreign aid and debt write-offs, food prices rose and power cuts continued frequently, and the currency price fell to the point where a package of banknotes was required to pay for a small meal.

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