
Khartoum considers the statements of Washington’s ambassador regarding the rule of Sudan “inappropriate”

The Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed, on Saturday, its dissatisfaction with the statements made by the US ambassador to Khartoum, John Godfrey, on Friday, regarding the incompetence of the two parties to the conflict in the country to rule, considering them not “inappropriate.”

In a statement carried by the official news agency, SUNA, the Sudanese Foreign Ministry described Godfrey’s remarks as “contrary to diplomatic norms and rules, and do not help to get out of the crisis.”

added that the US ambassador’s talk about the Sudanese army as an equivalent party to the Rapid Support Forces “lack of fairness and moral consistency.”

The statement continued, “We expect the US ambassador and his country’s government to correct this unbalanced and defective position.”
And the statement considered that Godfrey’s “inappropriate tweet not only represents a departure from diplomatic norms and rules of dealing between countries and mutual respect for each other’s sovereignty, but also contradicts the requirements of diplomatic courtesy and professionalism.”

And it stated that Godfrey’s statements “express the US ambassador’s lack of respect for the Sudanese people and their independence, by appointing himself as a guardian over Sudan who determines for, who is suitable or not suitable for its rule.”

Godfrey said on Friday that the two warring parties in Sudan had proven that they were “unfit to rule the country” and that they should end the conflict and transfer power to a civilian transitional government.

He added on the “X” platform previously on Twitter: “The warring parties, which have proven themselves unfit to rule, must end the conflict and transfer power to a civilian transitional government.”

This came amid the escalation of attacks in Khartoum, between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, in order to control the capital.
On Saturday, the Sudanese army carried out intense air and artillery bombardment on large parts of the three cities of the capital, Khartoum, targeting concentrations of the Rapid Support Forces

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