Secretary-General-designate of the Friendship Council meets Ambassador Federal Republic of Tanzania

Ms. Salwi Mohamed Mahjoub, Secretary-General in charge of the World People’s Friendship Council in her office, was received by Her Excellency the Ambassador of the Republic of Tanzania in Khartoum in the presence of the Executive Director of the Africa Department, Professor Usrahim, and a number of the leaders of the Council, President and members of the Sudof the Sud-Tan-TanFriend.

The meeting discussed Sudanese-Tanzanian relations and cooperation between the Sudan and the Republic of Tanzania at the grass-roots level, culturally, socially, economically and educatively, in the interest of the two peoples.

The meeting also discussed the current arrangements for the holding of the Festival of Friendship with African States to be held on September 4 at the Peace Lounge in the international park south of Khartoum. The two sides also discussed how to participate and contribute to the success of the programme from the Embassy and the Tanzanian community in the Sudan under the auspices of Ambassador and crew of the Tanzanian Embassy in Khartoum.

The meeting also stressed the importance of holding such events, which provides an opportunity for peoples to learn about each other and transfer experiences, experiences, cultures, heritage and the arts, thereby contributing to communication, strengthening and strengthening people’s relations.

His Excellency Ambassador Ali affirmed His Excellency’s participation in all programmes and activities carried out by Mahallas Al-Friendship and that they are fully ready to cooperate in the interest of the Sudanese and Tanzanian people.

For its part, Professor Salwi thanked His Excellency Ambassador Ali for visiting and accepting the invitation to participate and agree on continued cooperation in various fields through popular diplomacy.

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