Sudan confirms its keenness to succeed in IGAD plans and programs

Ambassador Hassan Abdussalam, Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Meeting of Foreign Ministers of IGAD, President of the opening session, reaffirmed Sudan’s interest and interest in the success of the programmes and plans of IGAD. He welcomed the commencement of ministerial meetings with participants and wished them a good stay in the Sudan.

Ambassador Abdelsalam said that IGAD was young, effective and had great responsibilities that continued to grow and lived under difficult conditions. However, he said that the role of IGAD member States was to strengthen their mechanisms and capacities to ensure their success with clear visions to achieve the aspirations and interests of the peoples of the region.

“IGAD continued to move from one achievement to another and addressed several issues, including economic integration, refugee affairs and its efforts, involving all Member States.

With regard to peace, he noted that progress had been made in Somalia and South Sudan and that efforts continued to be made to achieve peace and security in the region, noting the opportunities offered to achieve the positive roles of leadership as facilitator and facilitator of political dialogue in the Sudan to achieve a successful political settlement. He also commended the recent cessation of hostilities between the Ethiopian Government and the Tigray Front.

On humanitarian issues, Abdussalam said that IGAD could not ignore health and disaster issues and the Strategy and Disaster Response Centre.

IGAD reacted from the catastrophic consequences of the krona pandemic, stating that IGAD’s strategy to counter the krona covered more than two million people.

Abdulsalam explained that IGAD has pursued policies of economic integration but said that “Despite the progress made in this aspect such as the regional trade of the IGAD region and integration with other organizations and the holding of sectoral meetings to promote cooperation among member states, he pointed out that IGAD continues to lag in this aspect, which requires a lot of efforts and enhancements.

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