Sudan’s private sector participation in the African American Business Forum in Washington

Sudan participated in the African American Business Forum in Washington, D.C.

The Business Forum discussions focused on developing a partnership in the areas of investment and trade between America and African countries that would enhance Africa’s contribution to the global economy, raise the pace of development and develop entrepreneurship, as well as drive progress in key sectors.

The Chairman of the CTC Group, Mr. Ahmed Amin Abdul Latif, who participated in the Forum at the invitation of the United States President and the United States Secretary of Commerce, revealed that the Forum had taken a keen interest in renewable energy and noted that this area was growing rapidly and had enormous near-term potential in the Sudan.

Ahmad Amin stressed his belief that an independent and socially responsible private sector is likely to weigh balance, political stability, social security and a protective shield for Africa’s future development.

He stressed the need to open the future for young people, who represent 60% of the Sudan’s population, and for women by supporting and encouraging entrepreneurship in this community sector not only to achieve economic prosperity but also to meet the challenges of poverty, food security, integration, displacement, peace, democratic transformation and other challenges.

Amin noted that the Forum was a rare opportunity to meet African leaders and heads of State and senior officials of the United States administration, including the Secretary of Commerce, heads of financial institutions and chief executives of a number of major American companies. It also provided an opportunity to discuss potential possibilities and opportunities for business cooperation in Africa and in the Sudan in particular.

It was clear from the forum organized in Washington, D.C. that President Biden’s administration was focusing on American-African relations and on closer business ties and placing them at the forefront of their priorities.

Sudan owns about 10% of the world’s share of untapped arable land, making it important for Sudan to focus on the views presented at the Forum on business development and enhancing food security through the American-African Partnership in the Agricultural Sector and how this partnership can help unlock Sudan’s enormous agricultural potential.

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