The High Committee of the Renaissance Dam listens to the enlightenment of the Minister of Irrigation on the negotiations

The Minister of Cabinet Affairs in charge, Othman Hussein Othman, chaired today in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers the regular meeting of the Supreme Committee to follow up on the file of the Alnahda Dam.

The meeting listened to a briefing by the Minister of Irrigation and Water Resources in charge, Engineer Daw Al-Bayt Abdul Rahman Mansour, on the second round of negotiations that took place in the United Arab Emirates.

The meeting stressed the need to reach common understandings between the three countries that take into account the higher strategic interests between them.

It should be noted that the Supreme Committee for the Follow-up of the Alnahda Dam file had held its first meeting at the beginning of this month after its re-formation headed by the designated Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Mr. Taking into account the higher strategic interests of the country.

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