A partnership between the Ministry of Energy and the Defence Industries System in the field of gas and electricity

The Sudanese Minister of Energy and Oil, Mohammed Abdullah Mahmoud, confirmed his endeavour to take advantage of the capabilities and potential of Sudan’s defence industry system and exploit it in civilian activities as part of the settlement of the oil equipment industry and the electricity sector in the country.

This came during his visit on Tuesday, the headquarters of the Defence Industries System accompanied by the leaders of the Sudanese Oil Corporation, the electricity sector and oil companies, according to a statement published by the Sudanese Ministry of Energy and Oil.

The Minister stressed the importance of the integration of national institutions in the settlement of large industries in order to enhance the country’s economy.

Sudan’s Minister of Energy and Oil, Mohamed Abdullah Mahmoud, stressed the important role played by the oil and electricity sectors and their importance in national security through the provision of energy, which is the main engine of industries that contribute to the renaissance of the national economy.

The Defence Industries System is a leader in industries working to secure national security and infrastructure. Coordination and complementarity of roles among national institutions reinforce the strategy of localizing the country’s large industry, “especially as the oil and electricity sectors need to develop their infrastructure and complete their facility system.”

The Minister of Energy valued the cooperation between the oil sector and the Defence Industries System in the implementation of the Jili-Madani Petroleum Products Pipeline Project, the equipment of which was manufactured at a Defence Industries System Company.

Mahmoud stressed his endeavour to take advantage of the system’s capabilities and potential, and to exploit it it for civilian activities in the context of the localization of the oil equipment industry and the electricity sector in the Sudan.

For his part, the Deputy Director of the Defence Industries System, Engineer Tajuddin Abu Shama, stressed the importance of joint cooperation between the system and the Ministry of Energy and Oil so that it can benefit from the exploitation of the system’s potential on the civil side and its entry into oil and electricity sector projects to service the national economy; in order to contribute to the country’s stability and development.

The system possessed expertise and techniques and had considerable relationships with international financial institutions.

The meeting saw a review of proposed projects for the partnership between the defence industry system and the Ministry of Energy and Oil sectors.

These projects were the development of the gas industry and petroleum infrastructure, solar and equipment projects, as well as the handling and transportation of petroleum products.

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