Arrangements for the establishment of the Experts’ Company for Agricultural and Animal Production of Expatriates

Mr. Makin Hamid Terab, Secretary General of the Sudanese Organization Abroad, praised the pioneering experience of Prof. Ahmed Al-Tajani Al-Mansouri, Executive Director of Al Rawabi, United Arab Emirates, in establishing the company, and its great successes in the field of dairy production and derivatives.

This came during this morning’s expanded meeting at the General Secretariat of the Agency, during which Prof. Al-Mansouri reviewed the project of the Expert Company for Agricultural and Animal Production for Expatriates proposed to carry out the Nile River State or Northern State, similar to the experience of Al Rawabi in the United Arab Emirates.

He added that the company’s economic feasibility study was prepared by global expert houses and targets 1 million contributors in the initial phase of the total number of Sudanese migrants estimated at 7 million Sudanese and estimated financial revenues (67) Billionaire according to recent statistics, Al-Mansouri explained that the company works in the field of meat and dairy production and manufacturing of other raw materials such as sesame and peanuts in a space Ten thousand acres and the company’s experience will be circulated to the states of Eastern Sudan, White Nile, Kordofan and Darfur to contribute to development, stability and security.

Mansuri attributed the failure of expatriate investments in Sudan to take the regional side in choosing the location of the project, not planning, as well as the deterioration of the Sudanese currency, corruption and bureaucracy.

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