(Dollar and Euro).. The Russian-Ukrainian War imposes a tie and improved performance (ruble)

The world has witnessed an important and dangerous economic event that carries economic and political repercussions, equally
The euro exchange rate in global markets yesterday, with the dollar exchange rate, for the first time in almost 20 years, while the Moscow Stock Exchange saw a par for the exchange rate of the dollar and the euro against the ruble
By 12:50 Moscow time, the European currency exchange rate had fallen to $1.0006, minutes earlier the euro’s exchange rate was equivalent to the dollar’s.
The European single currency (euro) is facing pressure over fears of a recession in the eurozone, amid an ongoing energy crisis and expectations for a rate hike by the European Central Bank at its next meeting in July.
Economists returned, equivalent to the exchange rate of the United States dollar and the European euro for the first time in nearly 20 years, To the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, in which America and Europe imposed economic sanctions on Russia, the effects of which began to reverse on European countries and America, with high inflation and high prices for goods and services. and Europe and America had to raise the interest rate to reduce inflation and prevent deposit escapes from banks, while Russia applied a decision to sell gas and oil in Russian currency (Ruble) which increased its exchange rate to equal the dollar and euro in transactions with the Moscow Stock Exchange.
Economists have predicted that the equivalent of the dollar and euro exchange rate will be positively reflected in the economies of the countries that link their currencies to the dollar, while those associated with the euro will be adversely affected, while the euro’s decline is expected to encourage the exports of European countries, especially manufacturing, and limit the high inflation rates due to the war in Ukraine.

Expected Tie

According to Dr. Mohammed Al-Nair, the economist, the equivalent of the dollar and euro exchange rate was expected, Because of the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the imposition of unexamined economic sanctions on Russia by America and the European Union, Its effects have begun to bounce back against America and the European Union and have been evident in rising inflation, prices, boiling and the European Union having to raise the interest rate to counter inflation, foreshadowing an inflationary recession in America and the European Union as a result of continued increases in interest rates. The Russian economy remained coherent and the ruble’s exchange rate improved, and Russia exported few quantities of gas with larger revenues.

Currency War

Dr. Nair confirmed that the Russian-Ukrainian war had precipitated the outbreak (Currency war), between America, Europe and Russia, where the country with real plans, economic programmes and resources of oil, gas and food will prevail, all indicators confirm that Russia will prevail, but will not resolve Russian ruble is the place of the United States dollar, but a replacement currency will be introduced by the BRICS grouping that includes (Russia, China, India, Brazil and South Africa) as an alternative currency to the dollar, although America seeks to maintain the dollar as the first world benchmark currency by increasing interest rates to address high inflation rates due to the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Impact on Sudan’s economy

On the impact of the equivalent exchange rate of the dollar and the euro on the Sudanese economy, Dr. Al-Nair stressed that the Sudanese economy will not be affected by the equivalent exchange rate of the dollar and the euro as a result of the weak volume of trade between the Sudan and the European Union countries, as well as the Sudanese economy’s link to the dollar.
Dr. Al-Nair added: “Despite the lifting of the sanctions on the Sudan and the removal of his name from the list of state sponsors of terrorism, However, America and Europe did not allow trade, financial and bank transfers with the Sudan or an influx of US and European investments to invest in the Sudan. And so the Sudanese economy will not be adversely affected by the euro’s decline and the equivalent of its exchange rate with countries, The euro’s decline would even reflect positively on imports from EU countries, with lower prices.

The emergence of the fallout from the Russian-Ukrainian war

In the same vein, Professor Kamal Karar, an economist, and a member of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, said for the first time in 20 years that the euro had fallen to this threshold, equivalent to the exchange rate of the United States dollar.
It could be said that the repercussions of the Russian-Ukrainian war are now showing up dramatically, that it is Europe that pays the price for the war and America that has continued to incite it to reap the benefits.

Expectations of the eruption of popular revolutions in Europe

Kamal Karar cautioned that Europe’s economic growth outlook, the fear of a halt in the Russian gas line, and investors’ fears are weakening the value of the euro, which is related to rising inflation and consumer purchasing power.
Kamel Karar predicted further decline and economic stagnation in Europe, which will spur its people to revolt and demonstrate as we witnessed in France earlier.

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