Gold advances all Sudanese exports

Gold has advanced Sudan’s foreign trade exports for the past three months, with more than half the value of other Sudanese goods exported. including the most prominent strategic agricultural commodities.

The value of the gold exported increased by more than US $720 million, for about 11.986 kilograms. Exports of Arabic gum sold US $ 29 million and US $678,000, a value of 24.8 thousand metric tons. Cotton exports are $ 115.3 million, with the country exporting approximately 53 thousand and 328 cotton bales.

According to the statistical summary of Sudan’s trade in Al-Kha Rajya for the past months of January, April and March, exported exports of the sesame commodity amounted to US $169 million, exceeding 148.3 thousand metric tons. It also exported 189.9 metric tons of peanuts worth $164 million.

In addition to exports of live animals, livestock worth $ 63.6 million, meat worth $ 34.2 million and leather worth about $ 916 thousand.

Petroleum exports received a low share, with exports not exceeding USD 16 million.

The trade balance of the country’s overseas trade was marked by a deficit of US $1.2 billion in the first quarter of the current fiscal year 2022. That’s about half the volume of foreign trade.

The country’s total exports during the first three months of this year amounted to US $1 billion and US $394.111 million. Imports of goods from abroad amounted to US $2 billion and US $620.472 million.

The majority of foreign trade goods were made up in this period and in imports and exports of raw and manufactured goods and foodstuffs.

The Central Bank of Sudan issues a quarterly summary of Sudan’s foreign trade quarterly during each financial year

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