Signing a memorandum of understanding to stimulate trade with the world’s countries

A memorandum of understanding was signed today for cooperation and coordination to stimulate and expand trade and investment with the countries of the world in the Federation of Chambers of Commerce at the initiative of the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce, following several meetings involving the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Investment, Trade and Supply and the General Federation of Chambers of Commerce. Professor Waqaf Salah Abdel-Al, Secretary-General of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, noted The Convention aims to explore ways to stimulate, expand and facilitate trade and investment in the Sudan with the countries of the world and international economic and trade institutions.

The four institutions agreed that this important relationship should be framed in order to achieve the State’s supreme interests in trade, investment and external promotion and to strengthen diplomatic capacities to revitalize and expand external communication mechanisms.It also noted that the agreement had set up a High Committee for Joint Coordination and Communication to examine issues and challenges facing the business sector, external investment promotion and addressing constraints.

The four institutions emphasized the need to utilize external missions to operationalize coordination diplomacy and investment business promotion and the goal of the Agreement to support the increased presence of Sudanese exports and increased trade with the countries of the world, In addition to making the utmost efforts to increase partners in the fields of health, education, contracting, economic services and information technology through investment development, early preparation of external partnerships as well as increased investments in critical and strategic sectors.

The agreement stressed the importance of upgrading the capacity of the private sector and relevant government institutions and linking them to the like through conferences and external participants. Noting that suppliers and exporters were the arm of the Ministry of Commerce, the Minister of Commerce and Supply in charge of Amal Saleh Saad, who was working to serve them and ensure good external relations that ensured an independent and secure situation for international trade in a stable political situation, she said that during the period of the blockade the Ministry had strived to bring the sector to safety.

For her part, Professor Ahlam Madani Mahdi Spell, Minister of Investment, stressed the importance of the private sector’s role in development and participation in policies and legislation to promote the investment sector Highlighting the Investment Law’s case for development and keeping pace with the requirements of domestic and global investment, commending the Convention and the initiative of the Federation of Chambers in creating internal partnerships between partners, indicating that the world has tended to build partnerships to create balanced development, stressing that young people need to invest and partnerships by encouraging national and foreign capital for transit and sustainable development.

For his part, Ambassador Hussein Awad pointed to the Foreign Representative for the importance of the idea of partnership and the Convention, stressing that the Ministry stresses the importance of economic communication through partnerships Noting that foreign affairs directed all embassies to activate foreign investment for its effective role in providing investments needed by the State, There were possibilities for Roos to enter the country through COMESA agreements and employ development diplomacy. and said that one of the priorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to activate workshops to qualify exporters to raise the national aspect to benefit from it in investment in the private sector; The Sudan has long been denied opportunities to invest in COMESA.

Calling for the importance of attention to foreign exhibitions and the reversal of investment opportunities, calling for the adaptation of the Sudanese Investment Law, signed by the Ministry of Investment, the Minister in charge of Civil Dreams, the Ministry of Commerce, the Minister in charge of professors Amal Saleh Saad, the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, the Secretary-General and the Minister for Foreign.

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