The Minister of Finance sets guidelines for the preparation of the budget for 2023

Confirmed. Djibril Ibrahim Mohammed, Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, at his meeting today with the High Committee for the Budget of 2023 on the importance of building a transparent budget with real realistic and developmental resources.

It highlights the importance of applying digital technology that will increase revenue, control numbers, take advantage of time and reduce administrative sagging, making it easier for the country’s decision makers to make the right decision.

He also called for the budget to be transparent and open to the public so that citizens can learn about its details, which are regarded as a right. He also directed members of the Supreme Committee of Mars to clarify the budget items through the media whenever they are completed.

And Dr. Gebrell’s budget will be furloughed in mid-December after being discussed and will be introduced at all levels in January 2023.

The 2023 budget aims at economic and structural reform, mobilization of resources, activation of public-private partnerships, digital transformation, expansion of the tax umbrella and combating customs evasion.

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