Al-Burhan declares that the military is not involved in the tripartite mechanism dialogue

The President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, announced that the military was not participating in the dialogue facilitated by the tripartite mechanism in order to allow political and revolutionary forces and other national components to sit in order to form an independent government of national competencies to complete the demands of the transition period. In his address this evening, Al-Burhan assured the Sudanese people of the commitment of the armed forces to work with all components of the Sudanese people to achieve national consensus and consensus. The text of the letter reads as follows (Sudan Scoop):

In the name of Allah, the mercy of Allah, thank God, and pray and peace to the Messenger of Allah, the Holy People of Sudan: I address you today and our country is going through a crisis that threatens its unity and cohesiveness and heralds risks that hinder the path to complete the desired democratic transition and transition. We believe in the military that safeguarding the security and integrity of the nation and the citizen is the highest objective and objectives of this institution and affirm our commitment to support the achievement of the objectives of the glorious December revolution and our desire to support the transition and democratic transition and to protect and complete the demands of this transition, bearing in mind the deterioration of the various state forces, the loss of life and the destruction of public property as a result of political rivalries and attempts to monopolize power. In my capacity as President of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, it was decided that:

First: The military is not participating in the negotiations currently under way and facilitated by the tripartite mechanism in order to allow political and revolutionary forces and other national components to sit down and form a government of independent national competencies to complete the demands of the transitional period. I hope that these forces will engage in an immediate and serious dialogue that will restore the unity of the Sudanese people and enable the spectre of existential threats to the Sudanese State. I affirm that the armed forces will not be empowered by any political side to reach out to the country’s rule and that they will be committed to implementing the outputs of this dialogue.

Second: After the establishment of the Executive Government, the Sovereign Council will be dissolved and a Higher Council of the Armed Forces of the Armed Forces and Rapid Support will be formed, which will assume the Supreme Command of the Regular Forces and be responsible for the security, defence and related responsibilities that will complement its functions by consensus with the Government to be constituted.

Third: Until we all contribute to the attainment of the goals of the dialogue, I call upon the various components of the people, especially young people, to uphold peace. The right to express opinion is guaranteed to all. The sacrifices you have made are appreciated and your hopes and aspirations for a democratic transition are realized. Your armed forces will not stand in their way. You hope for the Sudan and for its future. While we pay tribute to the lives of the martyrs, we regret the loss of victims from all sides. We affirm that the military and security institutions will stand by the achievement of justice and assist in the investigation leading to the establishment of the facts and the bringing to justice those involved in the loss of life. Finally, the armed forces reaffirm their previous commitment to work with all components of the Sudanese people to achieve national consensus and consensus that will complement the process of transition and democratization with a view to the establishment of elections through which the Sudanese people choose to govern them and affirm their support for the tripartite mechanism’s effort and the friends and neighboring States of the Sudan. The people of the Sudan freely lived the glory and immortality of our righteous Witnesses and peace and mercy of God.

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