Launch of the Permanent Ceasefire Consultative Meeting in Darfur

The Permanent Ceasefire Commission of Darfur established by the Juba Peace Agreement in the Sudan held a technical consultative meeting today at the Crimson Light Hotel in El Fasher, North Darfur State, with actors of civil society organizations in the State for the purpose of consulting and exchanging views on how those organizations could contribute to the implementation of the Commission’s tasks.

Addressing the opening of the meeting, which was attended by the leaders of the justice, military, police and security services, representatives of armed struggle movements, political parties, civil administrations, women, youth and displaced persons, the Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Sandy Bajaj, said that the meeting was coming with a view to explaining and reflecting on the terms of reference and activities of the permanent ceasefire committee and informing stakeholders of the ongoing efforts of the (UNTAMS) to operationalize the Permanent Ceasefire Commission and to learn about the groups’ views, concerns and challenges and the aspirations of those organizations regarding the role assigned to the Permanent Ceasefire Commission in Darfur, Bajaj confirmed that the Permanent Ceasefire Commission was composed of competent and mature figures. Côte d’Ivoire “, commending the performance of the members of the Committee who had said that they had been working in silence to resolve the problems facing the functioning of the ceasefire in Darfur.

The head of the Darfur Ceasefire Region Office spoke on the occasion of “Yao Boaka”, noting that the forthcoming activities of civil society organizations in support of the Commission were early warning activities so that the Commission could do its work properly and embrace the aspirations of community leaders or representatives and traditional leaders towards the ceasefire.

Yao stressed the importance of the role of the Permanent Ceasefire Commission in the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement to contribute, in particular, to the promotion of human rights and the protection of civilians in Darfur, and stressed the importance of women’s participation in the activities of the Permanent Fire Commission, calling for the importance of ongoing cooperation and coordination between civil society organizations and the United Nations agencies, as well as other stakeholders involved in peacemaking and peacebuilding in an integrated manner.

The Government’s representative on the Permanent Ceasefire Committee, Brigadier General Abdul Hakim Ali Nabri, spoke at the opening meeting of the meeting Stressing the importance of the work of the Ceasefire Commission in Darfur as the fundamental test affirming the parties’ determination to implement the Juba Peace Agreement in the Sudan The Security and Protection of Civilians Force in Darfur, which was recently graduated in El Fasher, will be operational from August 1. Brigadier-General Nabri commended the cooperation between the Government and United Nations organizations in achieving peace in Darfur.

It will be recalled that participants in the meeting heard a detailed explanation of the general provisions and principles of the permanent ceasefire process contained in the Juba Peace Agreement presented by the Chairman of the Committee, Sandy Bajaj, the Chairman of the Northern Darfur Subcommittee, Inallah Masoum, and the representatives of the armed struggle movements on Mukhtar and Siddiq Bango.

The Consultative Meeting continues its work by discussing and interacting on the various tasks and tasks of the Ceasefire Commission to arrive at the recommendations and the final communiqué.

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