President of the Sovereign Council, directs the reversal of Sudan’s externally bright face and upholds the supreme interests of the country

The President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, General Abdul Fatah al-Burhan, reaffirmed the State’s interest in strengthening and promoting the Sudan’s foreign relations in the best interests of the country.

In receiving his office today, His Excellency the Ambassador of the Sudan to the Republic of South Africa, Ambassador Majdi Ahmed of Choice and the Republic of Austria, Ambassador Asama Mejoub Hassan, on the occasion of their departure from the country’s premises. In the presence of the Minister for Foreign Affairs in charge of the Sudan, Ali al-Sadiq is safe in the importance of redoubling diplomatic efforts to reverse the bright face of the Sudan and achieve the highest national interests.

He reaffirmed Sudan’s commitment to the international covenants and covenants governing relations between countries, the policy of good-neighbourliness and the maintenance of regional peace and security.

Ambassador Majdi Ahmed, the Sudan’s Ambassador to Austria, said in a press statement that we had heard the instructions of the President of the Sovereign Council on the Sudan’s foreign policy during the coming period and to inform the internal challenges facing the country.
The favourite stressed that they would make every effort to achieve the country’s supreme interests in the political, economic and diplomatic spheres, in order to achieve the country’s supreme objectives in completing the country’s democratic transition.

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