Resumption of the trial of al-Bashir and others in the fatwa case

The Special Court issued orders declaring Cooper National Prison in Bahrain to bring three leaders of the former regime before it next Wednesday for trial in the case of the 2019 fatwa killing of protesters. Isolated President Omar al-Bashir, his former deputy, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, the President of the National Congress Party (NCP) in charge, Ahmed Mohamed Harun, and former Parliament Speaker, Fateh Azaldeen, face criminal prosecution. At a time when the Special Court of the Judicial Sciences Training Institute of Arquette, east of the capital Khartoum, headed by Judge Zuhair Babiker Abdul Razek Al-Hassan, decided to declare The parties to the criminal proceedings are charged with public right on behalf of crimes against the State and the private sector. A group of legal lawyers, headed by lawyer Wa ‘el Saeed, have been announced by the four defendants’ defence bodies represented by lawyers Abdul Basit Sabdrat, Mohamed Al-Hassan Al-Amin, Ahmed Abu Zeid and Hashim Abakar Al Jali, for their appearance at.
It should be noted that the court postponed the last hearing in order to be surprised that the court police did not announce the parties to the case after the return of the author’s papers from the Court of Appeal as a result of the request for examination of the indictment against the trial court’s decision to continue hearing the investigator’s statements before viewing the indictment documents as videos. (CD) and his interrogation of what was stated therein, which it considered improper and affecting their case, as their case was based on according to them.

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