Statement by the Sudanese Foreign Affairs on Blinken statements

Republic of Sudan
Spokesperson’s Office and Department of Public Information
Press release

After examining yesterday’s statement by the United States Secretary of State on the crisis in the Sudan, the State Department would like to state the following:

First, the State Department welcomes the United States Government’s finding that the rebel militia committed crimes against humanity and crimes of ethnic cleansing, crimes of sexual violence, attacks and abduction of women and girls, and targeted displaced persons and those fleeing the fighting, similar to genocide.

Secondly, the Ministry is surprised and dismissive of the statement’s accusation of war crimes by the armed forces. It is groundless.

Third: The Ministry also rejects widespread allegations equating the armed forces with the rebel militia responsible for unleashing horrific violence, death and destruction, detaining civilians and killing some of them in detention sites, as such practices are exclusively the rebel militia’s responsibility and accusing the armed forces of such violence on the basis of no evidence.

Fourth: The statement completely ignored the reference to the duty and right of the armed forces, the legitimate national army, to defend the country and the people and protect their headquarters, in the face of barbaric aggression from a mercenary-made militia, targeting all the elements of life, sovereignty and civilization in the country. The Ministry recalls the United States Government’s justification for an ongoing barbaric aggression against an unarmed people in the name of self-defence.

Fifth: The statement contained no mention of other serious crimes by the militia, such as the occupation of hundreds of thousands of citizens’ homes in the capital and the displacement of at least 5 million inhabitants and the conversion of hospitals, universities, houses of worship and other civilian objects into military barracks, in violation of Jeddah’s commitment to humanitarian principles signed last May 11 and practices similar to slavery against abducted girls.

Sixth: The statement also ignored the indication of States that continue to supply arms and mercenaries to the rebel militia and have close ties with the United States, making them partners and responsible for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing committed by the rebel militia, despite compelling and documented testimony about their role and the demands of Congress and a number of organizations and experts of the United States Government to take a clear position on them.

In conclusion, the Government of the Sudan renews its readiness to engage positively with the Government of the United States to clarify the realities of what is happening in the country and the means to end the crisis.

Thursday 7 December 2023

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