The delegation of the US Congress arrives in El Fasher

The joint delegation, which included representatives of the United States Embassy in Khartoum, the UNITAMS mission, the United Nations Foundation, members of the United States Congress Narma Norris and Sarah Jacobs, and members of the United States Mission to the United Nations, was represented by Ambassador Christopher Law, Minister Counsellor Jack Sherman Al-Fasher, was present in North DarDar Today.

The North Darfur Governor, Nimr Mohamed Abd al-Rahman, briefed the delegation on the overall security situation and developments in the state in the light of the implementation of the Juba Peace Agreement in the Sudan.

During the enlightenment he gave the delegation in his office in the presence of members of the State Government, he expressed appreciation to the Government and citizens of Northern of DarDarfor the delegation’s visit.

The delegation identified the Government’s efforts, in cooperation with United Nations agencies and international organizations, to provide humanitarian services and assistance and implement development programmes and projects The Secretary-General stressed the importance of the United Nations and its various institutions continuing to provide assistance and humanitarian services to citizens in order to go hand in hand with the implementation of development programmes in order to contribute to sustainable solutions to Darfur’s issues, which are the main ones to achieve social peace and security stability.

Nimr stressed the need for United Nations agencies and international organizations to continue to provide assistance to displaced persons and refugees in camps and to take into account the importance of providing such services in areas of voluntary return and hoped that the United States would continue to play a greater role in providing services to those in need in Darfur, In particular, women’s empowerment and support for youth activities and other projects, he reaffirmed his Government’s emphasis on moving forward with development and service projects in various regions.

Congressman Sarah Jacobs said that the visit was aimed at identifying the overall situation in Darfur on the ground and assessing the ongoing activities and programmes to be implemented and the extent to which stakeholders benefit from them, particularly those related to peacebuilding and stabilization projects, as well as at gaining a better understanding of the United Nations on those issues in the Sudan, including the political process and humanitarian assistance.

Jacobs commended the level of cooperation and partnership between her country and the Sudan, stressing the importance of the continuation of that relationship in order to serve the two countries.

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