TSC Member Meets Ambassador of Turkey

Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council (TSC) Dr. Al-Hadi Idris has reaffirmed the deep-rooted bilateral relations between Sudan and Turkey, describing it as strategic, stressing importance of working to boost joint cooperation between the two countries in all fields.

The TSC Member made the remarks when he received at his office in the Republican Palace the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Sudan, Ismail Chobanoglu.

During the meeting, the Turkish Ambassador briefed Dr. Idris on the humanitarian situation in Turkey after the earthquake disaster that hit large parts of the country.

For his part, the Turkish ambassador said in a press statement that the meeting touched on the humanitarian situation in Turkey, expressing thanks to the Sudanese government and people for their supportive stances to his country, especially during the earthquake disaster.

He stressed his country’s keenness to strengthen aspects of joint cooperation in all fields.

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