
U.S. Congressional Delegation Visits Sudan

The U.S. Embassy in Khartoum announced a visit to Sudan from July 4- 6.

The embassy said in a press briefing on its Facebook page that under the auspices of the United Nations Foundation, Congressman Norma Torres and Sarah Jacobs will visit with members of the United States Mission to the United Nations Ambassador Christopher Law and Minister Counsellor Jack Sherman, Khartoum and North Darfur, Sudan from 4 to 6 July an.

“While in Khartoum, the delegation will meet with UNMIS as well as a wide range of actors from political parties, NGOs and civil society to gain a better understanding of the work of the United Nations in the Sudan, including its support for the political process and humanitarian assistance, as well as how the United States and the United Nations work side by side to support the Sudanese people.”

In Darfur, the delegation will meet with the authorities at the state level and discuss the work of the United Nations on the ground. It will meet with United Nations agencies working in Darfur to discuss the challenges of peace implementation, the intersection of food and security, and the protection of civilians. “

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