Kabashi chairs the final meeting of the four freedoms between the Sudan and South Sudan

Member of the Transitional Sovereignty Council, General Shams al-Din Kabashi Ibrahim Corner of the Republican Palace, chaired the final meeting of the National Committee for the Preparation of the Draft Four Freedoms between the Sudan and the Republic of South Sudan.

He reaffirmed Sudan’s desire to strengthen and develop relations with the Republic of South Sudan in the common interests of the two countries.

During the meeting, Ambassador Dafullah El Hadj Ali, Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, gave a comprehensive review of the final report of the Committee’s work.

In a press statement following the meeting, Ambassador Omar Al-Amin Abdullah, a member of the Committee, stated that the Committee’s composition and work were part of the distinct relations between the two fraternal countries and the brotherly ties between their two peoples and the desire to build relations that benefit the two countries.

He noted Khartoum’s distinct relations and the importance of their development in various areas, including the transformation of common borders into a vital area of benefit-sharing.

Ambassador Omar Al-Amin added that the composition of the Four Freedoms Committee included various ministries and institutions related to bilateral relations between the two countries, noting that the results of the Committee’s work would be presented to the competent authorities in the two countries for signature.

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