Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan James Wani Igga arrives in the country

Mr. James Wani Igga, Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan, arrived in the country today for an official visit. He was received at Khartoum airport by General Mohammed Ghali Ali Yusuf, Secretary-General of the Transitional Sovereignty Council and members of the Embassy of the Republic of South Sudan in Khartoum.

In a press statement, Igga said that his visit to the Sudan came within the framework of the privileged relations between the two countries, stating that he would meet with a number of Sudanese officials to inform them of the progress made in the peace agreement in South Sudan, commending the level of mutual relations and cooperation between Khartoum and Juba. Peace and stability in the Sudan represented an extension of peace and stability in the southern State. “We are one people in two States.”

The Vice-President of the Republic of South Sudan explained that the visit would be an opportunity to discuss a number of issues of mutual interest.

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