100th day of war in Sudan..and the battles are still raging

The war in Sudan entered its 100th day, with an estimated death toll of thousands. millions of displaced persons and refugees, in addition to the total destruction of the country’s infrastructure, including health, educational and economic facilities.

The commander of the rebel Rapid Support Forces (Hemedti) said in a tweet “We are confident that together we can rebuild our country by taking advantage of our social and cultural diversity and our enormous human and material potential,”.

Hemedti’s remarks came after the Rapid Support Forces in Sudan announced, on Saturday, that “15 officers and 527 soldiers from the Sudanese army have joined its forces in the East Darfur sector.”

On the other hand, the Sudanese army spokesman said, in a statement, that “the army forces continue to strike the Rapid Support Forces in all locations across the country,” stressing that “the Rapid Support Forces used criminals and prison escapees as fighters to carry out accompanying criminal operations.”

Since April 15, violent and large-scale clashes have been taking place between the Sudanese army forces and the Rapid Support Forces, in separate areas of Sudanese territory, most of which are concentrated in the capital, Khartoum, leaving hundreds dead and wounded.

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