25 Sudanese villages were damaged due to rains and torrential rains in Nile River State

The rains and torrential rains that hit large parts of River Nile State in northern Sudan damaged 25 villages and led to the complete collapse of about 3,000 houses and the partial collapse of a thousand others. according to the Executive Director of Berber Locality in the state, Hassan Hamad Al-Sayed.

The Sudanese local official added that the operations to tally the losses are still ongoing, and that the state authorities intend to provide urgent food aid to the affected people and later shelter, but he stressed that the damage that occurred exceeds the state’s capabilities.

He pointed out that the people are living a real human tragedy and are inspired as their day after losing shelter and drinking water.

There is a great environmental and health danger to the people as a result of the mixing of sewage water with torrential water, in addition to fears of the spread of water diseases as a result of the accumulation of water for days and submerging the stricken area.

Number of houses are still surrounded by water, and are on the verge of collapse.

The local authorities and residents said that the heavy rain that fell on Monday was unprecedented for many years, so its impact was devastating.

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