A Saudi doctor crosses the Red Sea swimming between her country and Egypt

The media circulated photos and videos of a side of swimming of Saudi doctor Maryam bin Laden crossing the Red Sea between Saudi Arabia and Egypt, with the participation of British swimmer Louis Pugh, in the framework of supporting the World Climate Conference.

The British swimmer said – in a series of tweets on Twitter – that his swimming across the sea comes within the framework of conveying a message to preserve the precious coral reefs as a result of high temperature and climate changes.

“Dr. Maryam Saleh bin Laden became the first Arab, the first Saudi, and the first woman to swim from the Saudi Arabia to Egypt,” Bough added. He added, “I knew that Maryam would be the ideal person to join me in crossing from Saudi Arabia to the Sinai Peninsula, and she was a pioneer in open water swimming in Saudi Arabia, and she is a passionate person.”

Bin Laden, through her account on Instagram, published various photos of her trip across the Red Sea to Egypt, and expressed her pride in being the first Saudi and Arab to swim from the Kingdom to Egypt, which she considered a dream she did not expect to achieve, despite her fears of sharks and swimming without a protection cage. However, the challenge strengthened her resolve to break out of her comfort zone and achieve this feat.

The Saudi ambassador to Cairo, Osama bin Ahmed Naqli, published a video of swimming, commenting on it, saying, “The Saudi doctor, Maryam bin Laden, is the first Arab and Saudi to swim across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia to Egypt.” “The Kingdom and Egypt are two brotherly neighbors, not separated by the Red Sea,” he added.

This Saudi swimmer previously achieved a record in swimming in the Dubai Canal, which is estimated at a distance of 24 kilometers, and succeeded in cutting the entire English Channel by herself in a time of 11 hours and 41 minutes, in 2016, achieving precedence and a record in the Saudi Arabia, in order to shed light on the Syrian issue and drew attention to it.

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