Activating the Judicial Cooperation Agreement between Sudan and Saudi Arabia

A delegation of the National Mechanism for the Protection of Sudanese Abroad visited the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, headed by the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Labor, within the framework of its tasks of providing legal aid to Sudanese abroad and discussing their cases.

Acting Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice Howaida Ali Awad al-Karim, head of the National Mechanism for the Protection of the Sudanese and a member of the delegation, said that the delegation met with the Undersecretary of the Saudi Ministry of Justice, where the meeting dealt with activating the agreements concluded between Sudan and the Kingdom, foremost of which is the judicial cooperation agreement between the two countries, which was signed since The year 2015.

Howeida added that the most important outcome of the visit was the activation of the bilateral agreements signed between the two countries and the establishment of a mechanism to activate them and the transfer of a number of Sudanese detained in Saudi prisons based on the Riyadh Arab Agreement for Judicial Cooperation.

A plan of administrative, criminal and civil cases was presented in an official letter for consideration Exceptionally, the Saudi officials were introduced to the judicial system in Sudan, and the Sudanese in the Kingdom were introduced to the applications available to solve their cases through the applications of (Absher), (Madad) and (Wadi) .

Howayda said that the delegation includes the Secretary-General of the Expatriates Authority ,the head of the Consulate Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Secretary-General of Zakat Bureau, and representatives of the Council of Ministers. noting that the delegation met during the visit with the Saudi Undersecretary of the Ministry of Justice, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior and Foreign Affairs, the President of the Board of Grievances and a number of Saudi officials in the Kingdom, as well as the mission’s lawyer and representatives of the Sudanese community.

The Undersecretary indicated that the delegation will also visit Egypt. It is worth noting that the National Mechanism for the Protection of Sudanese Abroad is a coordinating mechanism that was formed by a decision issued by the Council of Ministers more than thirty years ago and then reconstituted at the end of the year 2019, and began its meetings in May 2020.

General of the Sudanese Affairs Authority working abroad as alternate head and membership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Labor, the Council of Ministers and the Zakat Bureau.

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