Al-Burhan calls for transcending differences for the sake of the nation

The head of the Transitional Sovereign Council in Sudan, General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, addressed this Sunday Evening, a speech to the people in which he congratulated him on the blessed Eid Al-Fit. 

Al-Burhan renewed the call for all social components, political parties and the youth of the revolution to rise above the differences and the situation of the country and its people in order to reach practical formulas and solutions that take into account the interests of the state and its people first, heal wounds and work to advance Sudan’s interest to all. He stressed that since the December revolution, the Sovereignty Council has continued to work to achieve the hopes and aspirations of the revolutionaries in Sudan, but the steps have stumbled and hopes and dreams have been scattered due to the division in the country.

Al-Burhan expressed his country’s commitment to work with all political and social components in Sudan, calling on political and social forces to overcome differences and not to compromise the country’s interest.

He pointed out that the events of West Darfur state confirm the need for accountability and the absence of impunity, noting that these statements come from the repercussions of the general situation in the country, all of which push the state to move with the required speed on the path of national consensus.

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