Al-Burhan inspects the soldiers on the battlefield

The President of the Sovereign Council, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, visited the front positions of the fighting forces in Omdurman.

He was received by Lieutenant General Yasser Abd al-Rahman Hassan al-Atta, member of the Transitional Sovereign Council, Assistant Commander-in-Chief. His sovereignty received information about the conduct of operations from the Movements Command and inspected some military and civilian positions that witnessed a spontaneous scramble from citizens.

In his statement, he stressed the commitment of the armed forces to care for the families of martyrs and missing persons and to treat the wounded and injured from the regular forces and depleted persons and stressed that the armed forces and the people are in one trench to eradicate the cancer of the rebel militia and its mercenary.

This visit is part of his sovereign inspection of the armed forces, which are fighting a war of dignity on several fronts.

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