Al-Burhan refers officers to retirement and freezes rapid support forces accounts

The President of the Sudanese Sovereignty Council and the Army Commander, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, issued several decisions, including the transfer of officers of the Armed Forces who were seconded to the Rapid Support Forces to retirement.

Also he froze Rapid Support accounts in all banks in Sudan and abroad, and dismissed the Governor of the Central Bank of Sudan.

The Sudanese army stated on its Facebook page that Al-Burhan issued a decision to refer 4 officers of the armed forces who were seconded to the Rapid Support Forces to retire with a pension.

The decision included Major General Othman Muhammad Hamid Muhammad, Operations Commander of the Rapid Support, Major General Hassan Mahjoub Al-Fadil Abdul Hamid, Brigadier General Absher Jibril Balayel, and Brigadier General Omar Hamdan Ahmed Hammad, head of the Rapid Support delegation in the Jeddah talks.

A statement issued by the army stated that Al-Burhan issued “a decision to freeze the accounts of the Rapid Support Forces and its companies in all banks in Sudan and their branches abroad.”

He added that the decision stipulated “preventing the disbursement of any entitlements or budgets allocated for them (rapid support).”

According to the statement, Al-Burhan directed the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning and the Bank of Sudan to implement the decision.

Al-Burhan issued a decision dismissing Hussein Yahya Janqul from his position as governor of the Central Bank of Sudan, and appointing Burai Al-Siddiq Ali Ahmed as his successor.

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