Al-Burhan: There is no room for any bilateral alliance with any specific entity

The President of the Transitional Sovereign Council, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, General Abdul Fatah al-Burhan, stressed the commitment of the leadership of the armed forces to the comprehensive dialogue facilitated by the tripartite mechanism, which excludes no one but the National Congress Party, being the only way to cross the country in this transitional period leading to national consensus until the elections.

During this morning’s enlightenment meeting with the General Command of Armed Forces Officers and Rapid Support, it was concluded that there could be no bilateral alliance with any specific destination.

Al-Burhan confirmed the leadership’s consistent stance on the issues of security and stability in the country, reviewing current political developments in the country.

In the same context, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces reaffirmed the continued efforts to develop the defence capabilities of the Armed Forces to counter any attempts aimed at the country’s security and stability.

His Excellency cautioned that rumours should not be heeded, recalling that the security system could not be increased on its nationality or the unity of its national purposes and objectives, was at the heart of one man and was able to proceed with its development and structure on clear scientific grounds.

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