Al-Qassam spokesman: Our battle continues and the enemy knows nothing about its results

Al Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), said that the battle with the Israeli occupation continues, “and the enemy knows nothing about its results,” as the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation launched by the resistance against Israel continues at dawn on Saturday.

Abu Ubaida added – in an audio recording – that “the enemy will be astonished when he wakes up from his disappointment,” saying to the Palestinians, “Go out to participate in the flood of Al-Aqsa and confuse your weak enemy like a spider’s web,” and “Do not invite the occupation to rejoice in a holiday that desecrates the scene of your Prophet,” and he continued, “The enemy is collapsing.” We call on our people inside to distract and confuse the enemy.”

Since this morning, the Palestinian resistance has launched intense missile barrages from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, in addition to a land, sea and air incursion, and sirens sounded in several areas, including Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, Ashdod and Ashkelon, and the Israeli occupation army responded by launching raids on various areas of the Gaza Strip. It led to the death of more than 160 Palestinians and the injury of about a thousand people

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