Al-Sisi and Al-Burhan discuss developments in the Renaissance Dam and the strengthening of their countries’ relations

Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi received, Saturday, at the Federal Palace in Cairo, the Chairman of the Sudanese Transitional Council, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, and discussed with him the developments of the Renaissance Dam file, in addition to bilateral relations and cooperation between the two countries.

A statement by Egyptian presidential spokesman Bassam Rady said that the meeting witnessed a review of the latest developments in regional issues of common interest, including the developments of the Renaissance Dam file, adding that it was agreed to continue intensive consultation and mutual coordination in this context during the coming period.

Egypt and Sudan are cooperating on the Renaissance Dam file, and are committed to reaching a fair, equitable and binding legal agreement for the process of filling and operating the dam, amid tripartite negotiations that have been frozen for nearly a year with Ethiopia.

The two countries downstream of the Nile River (Egypt and Sudan) also adhere to the agreement to ensure the continued flow of their annual share of the Nile water.

According to the Egyptian presidency statement, Sisi and Al-Burhan reviewed the overall bilateral relations between the two countries, and stressed the importance of strengthening economic relations and increasing trade exchange in a way that lives up to the existing momentum in political and military relations.

The statement quoted Sisi as affirming Egypt’s keenness to provide all means of support to achieve political, security and economic stability in Sudan.

For his part, Al-Burhan expressed – according to what was quoted by the statement – his pride in the extended ties between the two brotherly countries, and the firm popular and governmental rapprochement between Egypt and Sudan, praising the unlimited Egyptian support through various forums to preserve Sudan’s safety and stability.

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