
An order from Al-Burhan to prepare the fighters

The General Command of the Armed Forces issued a statement from the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, directing the leaders of the divisions and military regions to receive and prepare the fighters. Those who are able should head to the nearest command or military unit.

The statement reads as follows:
General command of the armed forces
Monday, 3rd June 2023

In implementation to the call of the head of the sovereignty council and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces to the youth, and all those who are able, to participate with the armed forces in the honour of defending the existence and the dignity of the Sudanese people, division commanders and military units have been directed to receive and prepare the fighters and they should turn to the nearest military headquarters or unit.

Victory from Allah is near
Shame and disgrace to the rebel militia and mercenaries

Office of the spokesperson of the armed forces

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