Arab-Chinese summit in Riyadh launched with participation of Sudan

The activities of the Arab-Chinese Summit kicked off in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, with the participation of Sudan and about 30 countries and organizations, amid a large presence of Arab leaders and the Chinese President Xi Jinping.

The Sudan’s delegation to the summit led by the President of the Transitional Sovereingnity Council, which includes the Minister of Finance and Economic Planning, and the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Ali Al- Sadiq.

The observers of the Arab-Chinese relations believe that the convening of the Riyadh summit constitutes a historical milestone at the level of the region at the political and economic levels.

Therefore, the Riyadh summit comes as a first step in rearranging the inter-relationships between the Arab countries, while economic partnerships and regional and international blocs have become a prominent feature of today’s world, and the ancient Silk Road, as natural partners for Belt and Road cooperation.

The recent years witnessed continued work of the two sides on strengthening strategic coordination and concerted efforts to achieve fruitful results.

Meanwhile, the summit will discuss many files, including trade exchange and economic relations between Saudi Arabia and China, in addition to energy, regional security and military cooperation, with the expectation of 20 agreements will be signed, with a total value of about $29 billion.

It is worth noting that the the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia also witnessed in conjuction to the Arab-Chinese summit, the convening of the Saudi-Chinese and Gulf-Chinese summits, which discussed “ways to strengthen joint relations in all fields, and prospects for economic and development cooperation,” based on the distinguished relations that bind the countries of the Cooperation Council for the Arab Gulf states and the Arab countries with China, taking into account that China is the first trading partner of the GCC countries.

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