British Prime Minister apologizes in Parliament for making mistakes and refuses to resign

British Prime Minister Liz Truss apologized on Wednesday for mistakes after backing off an economic plan that caused chaos in markets, but at the same time rejected opposition calls for her to resign.

Truss said – during a session of the House of Commons that witnessed sharp debates – that she had been in office for less than two months, and had succeeded in setting a ceiling on energy bills, as she put it. “I apologize for making mistakes in the past, but the right thing to do in these circumstances is to make changes,” she added.

In response to a question by the leader of the opposition Labor Party, Keir Stammer, about the justification for her continuation in her position, the Prime Minister, the leader of the Conservative Party, replied by saying that she is a fighter and cannot abdicate her responsibility.

And Truss had backed away from most of the provisions of its economic program, which includes reducing corporate taxes, and in the face of the turmoil raised by the plan in the markets, it was forced – last Friday – to dismiss Treasury Secretary Kwasi Quarting and appointed in his place the former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Health Jeremy Hunt.

In another sign of her declining popularity, a new Ipsos poll published today showed that 53% of British voters believe that the Prime Minister should resign as prime minister, and 80% of them accused her government of being behind the high cost of living.

An opinion poll conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies, and its results were published on Monday, showed the opposition Labor Party ahead of the ruling Conservative Party in Britain by 36 percentage points, with the percentage of popular support for the Labor Party reaching 56 percent, while the Conservative Party got only 20%.

Meanwhile, the biggest jump in food prices in Britain since 1980 led to a rise in the inflation rate to 10.1% last September from 9.9% last August.

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