Cairo hosts an important event on Sudan

The conference on humanitarian issues in the Sudan, organized by a number of Sudanese civil society organizations, kicks off on Saturday in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.

The deadly fighting between the army and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), which entered its eighth month, displaced more than 5 million Sudanese deployed in internal havens and neighbouring States, while the parties to the conflict pursued accusations of obstructing the delivery of humanitarian assistance to those affected by the war in Khartoum, Darfur and Kordofan.

The Army and the Rapid Support Forces pledged on November 7 following a round of negotiations in Jeddah to deliver unimpeded humanitarian assistance to those affected.

The statement of the Preparatory Committee is taking place in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, from November 18-20 at the Conference on Humanitarian Issues. ”

The forum aims to discuss how to overcome obstacles to the delivery of humanitarian aid to those affected.

It also aims to produce practical and feasible recommendations regarding the operationalization of protection and humanitarian aid efforts for civilians as guaranteed and regulated by the norms of international humanitarian law and the demands of reality.

The conference will work within three days to review the humanitarian situation in the Sudan and discuss detailed issues related to the social protection sectors, namely food security, the health system, gender-based sexual violence during the conflict, issues of access and coordination, utilization and support of local experiences, and logistical impediments to the arrival and distribution of humanitarian aid in the Sudan.

A number of independent Sudanese civil society organizations participate in the conference. s Strategic Initiative for the Horn of Africa “Shiha”, as well as the Sudan Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Association and the Sudanese Journalists’ Union, along with the Darfur Lawyers’ Association, emergency lawyers, as well as a wide spectrum of local relief groups, grassroots initiatives, emergency rooms, displaced persons’ and refugees’ groups, international relief organizations operating in the Sudan and United Nations organizations.

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