Chad’s foreign minister disavows the involvement of some of his countrymen in the battles of Sudan

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Chad, Mohamed Salih Al-Nathif, disavowed the involvement of some military personnel belonging to Chadian opposition factions, alongside the Rapid Support Forces, in the battles of Khartoum, and said that they do not express his country’s official position on what is happening in Sudan.

Al-Nathif added, “Chad was the first country to call on the Sudanese parties to prevent an escalation of the conflict and the occurrence of internal fighting between the two parties,” adding, “We still stand on this position until today.”

The Chadian minister stressed that his country stands at the same distance from the two parties, and does not take sides with one group over another, stressing that his government communicates with everyone without discrimination in an attempt to reach a final solution to the crisis.

Last month, activists circulated a video clip of soldiers from the Rapid Support Forces showing off their victories over the Sudanese Armed Forces in “Rimaila” area, in which one of the soldiers speaks, introducing himself as “Hussein al-Amin Chouchou,” the head of the “oppressed” movement and one of the leaders of the Chadian opposition.

The video sparked widespread anger across Sudanese platforms, as the video clip proved the presence of foreign militants fighting with the Rapid Support Forces.

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