Conservative Party leaders seek to impeach her.. New British finance minister: Liz Truss made mistakes

British Prime Minister Liz Truss is in charge of the government, Britain’s Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt said on Sunday, responding to calls for no-confidence against Truss, who took office just over a month ago.

The statement from Minister Hunt comes amid moves by senior members of the Conservative Party to discuss a quick way to oust Terres to “save the party”.

In an effort to calm financial markets, Terrace fired Finance Minister Kwasi Quarting, scrapped provisions of their controversial economic program, and replaced him with Jeremy Hunt last week. And with opinion polls showing support for both the ruling Conservative Party and the prime minister personally waning, Terrace is counting on Hunt to help salvage her premiership less than 40 days into office.

Senior members of Britain’s Conservative Party will hold talks on Monday on how Prime Minister Liz Terrace could be removed quickly to “save the party”, Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported.

She said, in her report, that between 15 and 20 former ministers and other senior members of Parliament had been invited to a “dinner for adults”, convened by prominent supporters of Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss’ biggest rival, to plan how to remove her and install Sunak and fellow leadership contender Benny Mordaunt, and when to implement it. this step.

The newspaper added that some want her to resign within days, others say she is now “in her position but not in a position of control”, and some threaten to publicly call on Terrace to step down after the collapse of her tax-cutting program.

In a different move in support of Trass, her allies in the cabinet last night warned MPs that they would rush an election to “assert” that the Conservative Party is “done as a party”, if Trass, the party’s second leader in just nine months, is ousted.

A member of the British Parliament said it would be awful if she was allowed again to be exposed to the hot questions before the House of Commons (Parliament) next Wednesday after a series of humiliating upheavals, the dismissal of her ally Kwasi Quarting, and the abandonment of her budget.

“They will have to sit down and work things out,” said a source familiar with the talks, noting that the task was now focused on rescuing the Conservative Party and the economy. “That’s where we are.” Under party rules, Terrace is protected from a one-year vote of no-confidence in the party leadership, but that rule can be changed.

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