Curfew in Abu Zabad, West Kordofan

Abu Zabad city in West Kordofan state witnessed unfortunate events between the Misseriya and Hamar tribes due to the dispute over the administrative borders. And the West Kordofan State Security Committee issued a decision banning curfews in the city of Abu Zabad from five in the evening until six in the morning of the following day, started from Monday, until further notice.

Police Major General Dr. Ehab Abdel Hamid Abdel Aal, Police Director of West Kordofan State, Rapporteur of the Security Committee, said in a statement to the Sudan News Agency that the events between the Misseriya and Hamar came as a result of the repercussions of the decision to freeze the demarcation of the border between the localities of Al-Sunut and Al-Nuhud, describing the events as unfortunate. He said that the Security Committee is in a permanent session following up on the events and working in coordination with the Abu Zabad local security committee, and it has taken decisive decisions to stop the events and remove congestion by banning curfews, preventing gatherings inside and around the city of Abu Zabad, and combating negative phenomena.

He reassured everyone that the situation was under control and that the exchange that took place between the two parties outside the city, indicating that the joint forces had reached the area and extended their control. The reporter of the Security Committee praised the civil administration on both sides and its landing on the ground to remedy the events. He called on everyone to overcome the crisis and arbitrate the voice of reason and fight the unruly.

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