Daglo announces his pledge and proof of choosing civilians for presidents and ministers

Lieutenant-General Muhammad Hamdan Dagalo, Vice-President of the Sovereign Council, Commander of the Rapid Support Forces, announced his strict adherence to his previous pledges to remove the military institution from the political scene, and to complete its tasks stipulated in the constitution and the law.

He revealed that he had held a meeting , Thursday, with the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant-General Abdel-Fattah Al-Burhan, during which they renewed their previous commitment to the withdrawal of the military institution from power and leaving the matter of governance to civilians.

He pointed out that the meeting with the President of the Sovereignty Council unequivocally agreed that civilians should choose the heads of the Sovereignty Council and civilian ministers. Lieutenant-General Dagalo confirmed his aspiration for the revolutionary forces to agree to form a fully civilian government to complete the tasks of the transitional period, in a way that lays the foundations for a real democratic transformation.

Daglo stressed the importance of coordination and cooperation among all Sudanese to remove the difficulties facing the transition process and create an environment conducive to moving forward in order to achieve the aspirations of the people in building a stable democratic state, calling for the supreme national interests to prevail in order to preserve the security and stability of the country.

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