Dams sign an agreement with China to implement the Nile and Northern River wells

The Ministry of Irrigation and Water Resources (Dam Implementation Unit) signed an additional supplement to the establishment of 50 wells in the Nile and Northern River States in the presence of the Director-General of the Dam Implementation Unit, Engineer Mohammed Nureldin, Representative of the Chinese Government and Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning with a grant of $12,492,537 million and the implementation of the Chinese.

The Director-General of the Dam Implementation Unit, Engineer Mohammed Nureldin, said that the executive work of these wells is scheduled to begin in a month from now in accordance with physical studies and preparations for the wells’ premises
Thanking the Government and people of the State of China for standing with the people of the Sudan and wishing further cooperation and development between the two countries in the future.

For his part, the representative of the Chinese government said that the groundwater drilling project was a popular project that benefited the population in the northern states of the River Nile and improved conditions for potable water, noting that Chinese companies implementing the project were major companies in China and would implement the project with high quality and technology.

For its part, the Director of the External Finance Department of the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Susan Ismail Abdullah, on behalf of the Minister and Under-Secretary of Finance and Economic Planning, praised the cooperation between the countries of the Sudan and China in Sudan’s development projects, noting that the communities benefited from this important project, which works to reduce thirst in those areas, thereby supporting stability and development in those areas.

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