Deaths during demonstrations calling for the resignation of the Chadian president

On Thursday, people were killed in the Chadian capital, N’Djamena, in clashes between security forces and demonstrators calling for the resignation of President Mohamed Idriss Deby after the end of the first transitional period.

The authority in Chad accuses the opponents of organizing a popular and armed rebellion, with the support of external forces.

The clashes erupted after the extension of Chad’s “transitional period” for two years, which was scheduled to end Thursday on October 20, but at the end of September Mohamed Idriss Deby Itno was kept as president until free and democratic elections expected at the end of a second transitional period, During which Debbie will be able to run.

On April 20, 2021, the army announced the appointment of Deby, the son, as head of a transitional military council that includes 15 generals, after announcing the death of his father, Idriss Deby, who was killed in battles against the Accord Front for Change in northern Kanem (northern Chad). After he ruled Chad for nearly 30 years.

France and the European Union condemned the repression of the demonstrators and the comprehensive national dialogue in Chad – which concluded last Saturday – approved, after 6-week consultations, a road for a transitional phase, with the head of the military council, Mohamed Idriss Deby, as president of the country for two years.

The road map includes several items, most notably the extension of Deby’s rule, his candidacy in the upcoming elections, the expansion of the Legislative Council, and the allocation of 45 seats in it to the armed movements that signed the Doha Peace Agreement in Chad.

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