Egyptian presidential spokesman: Egypt will host the summit of Sudan’s neighboring countries next Thursday

Counselor Ahmed Fahmy, the official spokesperson for the Presidency of the Republic, announced that Egypt will host, on July 13, 2023, the summit of Sudan’s neighboring countries, to discuss ways to end the current conflict and its negative repercussions on neighboring countries.

In coordination with other regional and international tracks to resolve the crisis, and to establish effective mechanisms with the participation of neighboring countries, to settle the crisis in Sudan peacefully.

The spokesman added that this comes in light of the current crisis in Sudan, and President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi is keen to formulate a common vision for the countries directly neighboring Sudan.

He added this step is also to take steps to solve the crisis and stop the bloodshed of the Sudanese people, and spare them the negative effects they are exposed to, and preserve the Sudanese state and its capabilities, and limit the continued grave effects of the crisis on neighboring countries and the security and stability of the region as a whole.

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