Elon Musk brings Trump back to Twitter…after a referendum he conducted

The new owner of Twitter, Elon Musk, announced yesterday, Saturday, that he has reactivated the account of former US President Donald Trump on the social network, after it was banned after he was accused of inciting violence.

Musk said – in a tweet on Twitter – “The people have said their word; Trump’s account will be reactivated.” He added that this came in response to the referendum he conducted on his page, and most of the participants supported the return of Trump’s account.

The results of the poll organized by Musk – in which about 15 million Twitter users participated – showed that 51.8% agreed to reactivate the account of the former US president. The Twitter administration – along with other electronic platforms – decided to permanently ban Trump’s account, after his supporters stormed the Capitol Building in Washington on January 6, 2021.

For his part, Trump said that he is not interested in returning to Twitter, and said that he will still use his new platform, Truth Social, which is the application developed by his company for media and technology, and explained that the platform has better user interaction than Twitter and performs “very well.”

Donald Trump’s Twitter account resurfaced on Saturday evening, following Musk’s decision.

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