Families of Israeli prisoners: We called on Netanyahu to implement the “all for all” deal now and not soon

Representatives of the families of Israeli prisoners held by the Palestinian resistance factions in the Gaza Strip said that they asked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to return their families before any ground operation, stressing that their acceptance of an exchange deal is based on the principle of “all for all.”

They added in a press conference in front of the Tel Aviv Museum on Saturday evening that they asked Netanyahu to take the fate of these people into consideration when planning any action, and that they informed him that the prisoner exchange deal would receive great support, and they held the government alone responsible for the safety of their families.

Representatives of the families of the Israeli prisoners confirmed in a statement delivered on their behalf by the mother of one of the prisoners that they asked the Netanyahu government not to carry out any activity that would affect their families who are with the resistance in Gaza, and that their fate be a priority when making any decision.

They also confirmed that they asked Netanyahu to take into account a possible deal to exchange prisoners from both sides, and informed him that it would gain broad national support, and that they hoped it would take place soon.

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