IGAD final statement of the summit about conflict in Sudan

A summit comprising 4 heads of the African IGAD countries concluded yesterday, Monday, in Addis Ababa, and the final statement of the summit called on the two parties to the conflict to an immediate cease-fire, and to resort to dialogue and negotiation, stressing that there is no military solution to the conflict, and also called for the start of opening safe humanitarian corridors to deliver aid.

The Sudanese army delegation boycotted the summit because Kenya presided over the sessions, as Khartoum accuses Kenyan President William Ruto of not being neutral in the Sudanese crisis.

On the other hand, a representative of the Rapid Support Forces attended the summit, while a delegation of politicians from the Forces for Freedom and Change – the Sudanese Central Council – participated in meetings on the sidelines of the summit.

It is noteworthy that IGAD is a sub-regional African governmental organization founded in 1996. It is headquartered in Djibouti and includes, in addition to Sudan and South Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Somalia and Eritrea.

The quadrilateral on the Sudanese crisis consists of Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and South Sudan.

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