IGAD requests the Sudan to end its membership freeze

A former AU diplomat said in a press release that the Sudanese government was considering from its headquarters in Port Sudan, Red Sea, a request by the Intergovernmental Authority for International Development (IGAD) to lift the freeze on its membership in the regional organization and engage in the negotiation process to stop the war.

An envoy from the President of Djibouti, President of the current session of IGAD, visited Port Sudan two weeks ago to deliver a speech to the Army Commander and Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty Council General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan.

The same source explained that the Sudanese Government, headed by General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, was considering the possibility of lifting the freeze on Sudan’s membership in the Intergovernmental Authority for International Development (IGAD), in the light of certain conditions it had placed on the Organization, some of which, according to the source, might be met.

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