In preparation for war… Likud agrees to form an emergency government

A statement from the Likud Party led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that all partners in the ruling coalition agreed on Tuesday to expand the government to include politicians from the opposition, and to form an emergency government.

According to what was reported by the State Broadcasting Corporation, the government coalition unanimously supported the formation of a “national emergency government” and authorized Netanyahu to work on its formation.

Since the shock caused by the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation launched by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) last Saturday, and Israel’s readiness to go to war, parties belonging to the center and left have offered to join Netanyahu’s government.

Netanyahu, who heads one of the most right-wing governments in Israel’s history, called on opposition leaders to join a unity government immediately, seeking to garner greater support for any decision to respond to the Al-Aqsa flood battle.

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), along with the resistance factions, launched a large-scale military operation against Israel on Saturday morning, October 7, 2023, in response to the ongoing attacks launched by the occupation forces against the Palestinians and Al-Aqsa Mosque.

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